Maze+XML Examples
This page has examples of valid Maze+XML documents.
Minimal Document
Below is an example of a minimal valid Maze+XML document.
<?xml version="1.0"> <maze />
Collection Document
Below is an example of a valid "collection" Maze+XML document. Collection documents SHOULD have a single <collection> child element. This, in turn, MAY have one or more <link> child elements.
Each <link> element SHOULD have href and rel attributes. When the rel attribute is set to maze, the associated URI points to a valid <item> document.
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <maze> <collection href="..."> <link href="..." rel="maze" /> <link href="..." rel="maze" /> ... </collection> </maze>
Item Document
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <maze> <item href="..."> <link href="..." rel="start" /> <debug>...</debug> </item> </maze>
Cell Document
- Current Cell
- Exit Cell
- Cell w/ Current Link
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <maze> <cell href="..." debug="..." size="..." total="..."> <link href="..." rel="north" /> <link href="..." rel="east" /> </item> </maze>
Error Document
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <maze> <error href="..."> <title>...</title> <code>...</code> <message>...</message> </error> </maze>
Update History
- 2010-12-06
Updated Maze+XML - 2010-11-27
Initial post