Azure Examples home page

2008-12-13 @ 16:58#

i set up a home page for my Azure Examples today. this page has progress notes, links to source code (@ github AND googlecode) and will eventually contain links to live web apps as they come on line.

to start, i've posted my Azure.exe app in the repository. this is a CLI for Azure Table Storage. below is the command-line syntax:

	/{tid} [[g]et]
	ex: /my-table

	/{tid} [p]ost
	ex: /my-new-table p

	/{tid}/ [[g]et]
	ex: /my-table/

	/{tid}/{pid},{rid} [[g]et]
	ex: /my-table/my-partition,my-row

	/{tid}/{pid},{rid} [p]ost "{xml}|{filename}" 
	ex: /my-table/my-partition,myrow p c:\new-properties.xml

	/{tid}/{pid},{rid} p[u]t "{xml|filename}" 
	ex: /my-table/my-partition,my-row u c:\modified-properties.xml

	/{tid}/{pid},{rid} [m]erge "{xml|filename}" 
	ex: /my-table/my-partition,my-row m c:\partial-properties.xml

	/{tid}/{pid},{rid} [d]elete
	ex: /my-table/my-partition,my-row d

	/{tid}/? "{query}" [[g]et]
	ex: "?Customers()?$filter=(InvoiceOnFile eq true)&top=10"
