SDS Provisioning Client Tweaked

2008-11-20 @ 21:57#

this afternoon my programming pal, CarpDeus passed me an excellent suggestion for a feature in my SDS Web Client: an 'XML View' of the returned query results. excellent idea!

this evening when i got home, i whipped up a mod and posted it to the most recent edition of the client. now, when you are viewing a Container's Entity list, the results of a query, or even a single Entity, you have the option of clicking on the "View XML" link to see the pure XML return in a second window. if you are looking at an Entity that is stored as a BLOB, you won't see the 'View XML' link.

it's great to get feedback on how folks are using the SDS Web Client. i must admit, i'm not really sure how much traffic it really gets. i know at least one person is using it!

BTW - i think i saw CarpDeus copying and pasting various SDS queries he is testing into (and out of) the SDS Web client. maybe i need to come up w/ a way to store and recall queries?