SSDSDeploy.exe release 1.0

2008-08-19 @ 04:56#

i finally posted (googelcode, codeplex) my first pass at a deployment tool (SSDSDeploy.exe) for posting binary files to your SSDS stores. it's now possible to upload one or more files (using wildcards or command-line scripts) to any designated SSDS /authory/container location. below is the 'help doc' for this command-line app:

SSDS Deploy Console (1.0 - 2008-08-18)

POST single binary file:
/{a}/{c}/{e} "[c:][\folder\path\]file.ext" ["mime-type"] [y]
	{a} = authority
	{c} = container
	{e} = entity
	 y  = overwrite existing entities

ex:	/my-auth/files/my-profile "c:\temp\profile.jpg" "image\jpeg" y

POST multiple files using wildcard:
/{a}/{c}/* "[c:][\folder\path\]*.*" [y]

ex:	/my-authority/my-container/* "c:\uploads\*.*" y
ex:	/my-authority/my-container/* "c:\images\*.png" y

in this release you can POST (including overwrite) to the /authority/container/ store using a simple filename (filename.ext). currently SSDS has trouble parsing entities w/ "/" and/or "\" in the name. for now, that means you can't upload using an entity name such as /images/file.png. but you *can* use file.png. while SSDS is working on this bug, i may release a version of the tool that uses some other URL-safe character as the 'folder-separator' (":"?).