SSDS Guestbook has RSS feed!

2008-08-11 @ 00:18#

i updated my latest SSDS demo app, the SSDS Guestbook to support RSS feeds. Now, guests can monitor the public feed and even get filtered feeds of their own posts to integrate into blogs, etc.

i've had lots of fun working this demo. it turned into a 'Twitter-like' app that allows folks to post short message and reply to existing ones. not as fully-functional as the *real* Twitter, but you get the idea. i've got some other ideas on how to improve things including a visual make-over and some added features (editing profiles, track replies in a conversation, etc.), but we'll see how things go. there are so many cool things you can do with the SSDS platform, it's hard for me to focus on one project.

BTW - i notice about a week or so ago (and has been confirmed by SSDS team and other users) that the SSDS engine has been running a bit slow lately. i'd hoped it would have been cleared up by now, but it's still a bit sluggish. hopefully this will clear up soon.