first db tutorial on exyus site posted
i finally posted my first tutorial (UGData Tutorial) for implementing database-backed HTTP resources using the exyus engine.
i've been meaning to do this for a couple weeks. the new (fully re-written) database code has been working in my local builds for over a month. and i have already build several interesting database examples as part of my testing. but i finally sat down and worked through a narrative for this first one.
i might have tried to do too much in it, too. along with the details of the XSL transformations for XML-streamed SQL Server data (he-he), i also covered how to do 'overloaded FORM POSTing' to accomplish HTTP PUT and HTTP DELETE without using scripting. maybe that's quite a bit, but it needed to be done, eh?
i hope to post a new tutorial (maybe the one on handling status-mode for resources i.e. publish/draft mode) in the next week. i also have started to map out a continuing series based on the Microsoft Northwind Database. if you are writing a Microsoft demo, you gotta use Northwind, right [grin]?
finally, i have started to map out a simple game program (based on the 1970s game Mastermind ). i've got most of the details of the game worked out. i also want to handle things like remembering matches for the logged in user, etc. should be interesting!