moving my stuff into the corolla
2007-09-30 @ 22:49#
i transferred the last of my 'stuff' from my based up 1999 escort into my sparkly new 2008 corolla. i must admit i tossed a bunch of stuff, but the collection of doo-dads that assemble into my 'comfort pile' for driving is pretty 'impressive:'
- saftey gas cannister (can't recall when i last ran outta gas...)
- sun protector for the winshield
- snow brush (two? - tossed the old one)
- clean wipes (for removing grease and grime after roadside tinkering)
- ice scraper (where i live this is a luxury item)
- large road map (for my cross country jaunts)
- collection of local city/count/state maps (details for the local excursions)
- kleenex (runny nose?)
- collection of pens/pencils and note pad (to document road-induced inspirations)
- gum, mints, headache pills (hey, they come in handy)
- plug-in converter/recharger for cell-phone/mps player, etc. (i think they still fit my player)
- coffee mug (gonna need a new one, too)