sweetened url rewriting

2007-08-23 @ 17:18#

my pal bob and i were talking about my new site framework today and, after visiting my pages, he pointed out i had some unfriendly URL behaviors. since i am working to not leak my web tech, i've removed most all file extensions. that means it's a bit tougher to figure out when trailing slashes are a bad thing. so for now, i've updated my rewriter rules to sniff for some known folders and, if the request is missing the required trailing slash, the rule sends a 301 (permanently moved) and fixes the problem.

this is an acceptable short term solution, but it doesn't scale well. i will have to look into doing something in my framework that checks for this and does the same thing. then i don't need to keep updating my rewriter file with fresh rules for every new set of URLs i mint.
