oh yeah, compression...

2007-08-18 @ 18:01#

now that i'm spending time on caching and other ways to reduce my overall bandwidth, i realize i need to also focus on compression. since i run in Win32/IIS, there are some 'out-of-the-box' options for static files that i need to look into. but the bigger issue is how to handle compression for documents i generate through the framework. the rules are pretty straight-forward, but the details are a bit beyond me right now.

one of the things i can do is register file extensions as 'compressible.' wonder how url rewriters affect that? also, i know in some cases, compressing the data will mess up desktop tools like MS Excel (they don't honor the header info and attempt to load the compressed data directly). while this might not be a big deal, that means i need to be sure that i can 'turn off' compression for cases that make sense.

i guess this may be all about sniffing the Accepts header and crafting my response accordingly.
