
2007-08-15 @ 11:20#

i've been getting some page views from this week. this is due to some trackbacks from posts i've made here recently. all cool. except...

this whole project (the RESTful exyus framework) has been running under the radar up to this point. even this blog is only a few weeks old and i've not been sharing it's address yet. finally, i've not added any working feedback mechanism (built-in/external comments, etc.). i have a contact page, but it's not yet working on the back-end. so...

guess i need to plug in some feedback and plan on taking this site public sometime soon. had to happen sometime, eh?

UPDATED: 2007-08-14 11:45

looks like something like JS-Kit will allow me to add comments, ratings, etc. to my site quickly. i plan on checking them out tonight.
