ta-da! this works for my phone

2007-08-06 @ 03:51#

took a good deal of tweaking, but i got a pattern for the exyus framework that supports pure html POSTing from my q-phone. and it will work for any other html-aware client that *also* supports HTTP Basic Auth.

i spent most of my time working on the POST pattern. i decided to use the internal Requestor class i built to make the actual POST to the server. the target of the html form post actually just formats an XML document for POSTing to the /xcs/data/ space. this is the simplest since it takes full advantage of the data space patterns for clearning the cache, etc. but i ran into a few bumps along the way - mostly about sending complete error info back to the ultimate caller. right now, the data is pure 400, 500 type stuff. no helpful messages. i need to work on that part later.

but anyway, i now can update the blog from my phone!
