things seem pretty smooth

2007-07-29 @ 18:00#

the new hardware has been running for several hours and the DNS updates have completed (at least for this local area). things seem to be running rather nicely. some simple tests of both gaming and my database-oriented web apps all seem to show CPU is not affected much (loading a brand new map spiked to 50% for a few seconds). a good sign. memory is also keeping quite low - @ .5 GB on a 4GB box. thai is expected to change as the gaming ramps up over the next couple days.

the next thing to focus on will be bandwidth usage. we'll be gathering stats for a couple weeks and then checking them periodically. while part of this has to do with keeping an eye on costs, a big part of it is aimed at getting to know our bandwidth usage patterns in general and learning to optimize where it possible/reasonable.

in short, it's all good.
