pulling data from old servers

2007-07-28 @ 17:10#

jesse and i went down to the current head end to pull our data off the two existing servers we have there. this is all part of the process of moving our hosting to a new co-lo facility. it's mostly about stepping up our hardware and taking better control over the whole 'net experience. and it's pretty cool.

jesse already built the new server and we have the basics installed. now, with this data, i will take on the task of installing the existing webs and databases; linking them together; and adding any support applets, etc. needed to get it all running again. once that is done, we take the new server down to the new facility on the other end of town and 'rack it.'

this new plan will charge us based on bandwidth usage - new for us. the current arrangement allows us to use as much as we like without additional charge. we're a bit nervous about it, but i'm ready for the change. it will be good to learn how things work at a lower level and to take more control.

besides, the move is actually kinda fun!
