html edit pages now exyus templates

2007-07-24 @ 20:58#

i spent an hour or so tonight converting the html edit pages into exyus templates. that means i declared four new page objects and added folders, index.xml, and index.xsl files, too. finally, i cleaned up the css and js files and placed them in their own folders, respectively. now, the actual site folder shows only the css and js folders (plus a test folder i am playing with). all the real documents are in the templates folder!

i struggled a bit to get the html pages working within the xml/xsl pattern until i remembered to change the output from "xml" to "html" in the xsl stylesheet. then it all clicked in nicely. with this change the weblog editing pages are all at 'unbranded' root folders (/edit/, /edit/categories/, etc.) and that looks nice, too!
