added 'sparse' listings from the db

2007-07-24 @ 04:52#

i stayed up past my bedtime to add a new feature to the weblog code that i've been pondering fro a few days. now, all three tables (weblogs, category, websites) has a '_list_sparse' sproc. this returns only the bare minimum needed to build a list (for dropdowns, pick-lists, menus, etc.). usually it's the id, title, and date-created. now the edit screens and even the main pages return a bit faster since i've dropped the body content when listing posts, etc.

the fun part (really) was adding support for the new ?sparse argument on the URIs. it was as simple as modifying the GET.XSL for each table set. that transforms the URI into a valid t-sql query against the database and returns the proper XML. and it worked the very first time (very nice)!

that reminds me, i need to work up a new URI parser that handles the fragment, too (
