tightening up

2007-07-24 @ 02:10#

i tightened up the weblog coding a bit this evening.

first, i updated the (simple) editor to include a dropdown list of categories instead of just a plain text input w/ a category id number. i also worked out a dynamic way to handle the control for display (disabled) and for the add/edit modes. finally, i worked out a bug in the difference bewteen MSIE and FF on handling SELECT controls.

FF honors the use of innerHTML to populate the control, but MSIE requires the more tedious (and DOM-proper) new Option() pattern:

//works for FF ffSelect.innerHTML = '<option value="value">text</option>' // works for both FF and MSIE allSelect.options[i] = new Option('text','value');

i also sweetened the CSS for the weblog. i added a hover text and cleaned up styling for the BLOCKQUOTE element. plus i re-styled the code blocks. i still have a problem with the white-space styling in FF vs. MSIE, but i'll figure it out later.

finally, i added support for Pragma:no-cache headers for cache-invalidation. i had been honoring only Cache-Control:no-cache, but since that's an HTTP/1.1 header, i thought it wise to follow RFC2616 and support the HTTP/1.0 header, too.

it's all good. some more beating-up on the weblog and i should be ready to go public with it soon.
