Whisky Web was great

2012-04-15 @ 09:55#

this weekend, i had the great pleasure of participating in the innagural Whisky Web Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. what a great event! Juozas (Joe) Kaziukenas organized the event and it lived up to the description on the front page of the web site:

A web conference created for the web community, by the web community, Whisky Web will have something to offer everyone who works with the web, be they a designer, a developer or something in between. This is an amazing opportunity to get your geek on in Scotland's inspiring capital.

There are great keynotes by Josh Holmes and David Zuelke as well as a fine list of talks by very engaging speakers. there was also a "Whisky Master Class" on the first evening presented by Craig Johnstone of Bruichladdich Distillery. four spirits to taste and lots of history and stories to go with them. Craig was quite entertaining.

all the talks were recorded to video and should be available soon. i will post a link here when they are available.

in addition, the catering was solid and the venues were fantastic. the sessions were presented in The Hub at the top of the Royal Mile near Edinburgh Castle. the second day (the Hackathon) was hosted at the other end of the Royal Mile in a building called Our Dynamic Earth next to the Hollyrood Abbey. the facilites were excellent.

i had the honor to present an updated version of my Essential Node.js for Web Developers. it was a well-attended session and there were some very good questions and comments afterwards. i also must admit i dipped out of the proceedings to tour St Giles' Cathedral and to climb Calton Hill to take in a high view of the city of Edinburgh.

having ben involved (just a bit) in the "behind-the-scenes" of setting up and supporting a dev conference, i can say this effort was top notch all around. i am already setting plans for attending next year and encourage everyone to consider a trip to Edinburgh in spring of 2013 for some whisky and some web.
