Programming the Web with Cloud9
it's official! i've signed to do a new book for O'Reilly. the working title is
"Programming the Web with Cloud9" and it covers the
Cloud9 browser-based IDE for building
Web apps.
i've been using the IDE for several months (actually put myself on an "all c9, all the time" regime for a while) and have really been impressed. in fact, over the last sveeral weeks i've actually been bummed out when i ran into a few cases where i actually needed to use my local workstation to handle a task instead of relying on "C9 and the Cloud" to do it all. hey, it happens[g].
hardware, software, wetware
while the main focus of the book is the Cloud9 editor, it will also cover other 'cloud-based' developer tools including CouchDB, github, and Heroku and more. in addition to the actual software and hardware, i am also digging into the 'wet-ware' aspects of cloud-based programming. this includes how cloud-based dev tools affect teams, collaboration, project schedules, code quality, etc. along the way, i will have the chance to meet and interview some very smart people who are active in shaping the future of this kind of Web developer's experience.
the journey begins
i'll officially kick off the start of the new project w/ a trip to Node Summit in San Francisco next week. if you're in the area, i'd love to meet you and get your opinions/predictions regarding these (and other) 'cloud-based' development tools. who knows, maybe some of your comments will end up in the book!