Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic


This page exists as a 'catch-all' for requests regarding the book series "Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic" and related code, including the SQL-VB utility program. I was lucky enough to work with Curtis Smith for the VB4, VB5, and VB6 versions of this book. It's been quite a few years (the VB6 edition was released in 1999) and much has changed in both the VB and DB worlds since then. I post this content here to help those who are still looking for the sample code and other related content.

I no longer provide any support for these books. Please don't write me to ask me questions about the code point out bugs, problems, or invite me to review your code samples. I simply do not have the time for these anymore. I appreciate the interest and encourage you to troll the Internet for like-minded folks who can help you out.

Peace to all and happy programming!
Mike Amundsen - 2008-04


Below are links to files for the VB6 version of the book. This includes the source code and the install version of the SQL-VB utility. These are offered as-is without any guarantees. I pulled this content directly from a CD in one of my library copies of the book. They're in the same (good or bad) condition as the day they shipped from the publisher. Be warned, eh [grin]?


Below are links to the source code for the VB5 version of the book. These are offered as-is without any guarantees. I pulled this content directly from a CD in one of my library copies of the book. They're in the same (good or bad) condition as the day they shipped from the publisher. Be warned, eh [grin]?