This is an evolving curated list of my public talks starting in 2012. You’ll find a mixed bag here of "session" talks and keynotes. Some have extensive supporting materials (transcripts, videos, references, etc.) and some are just pointers to a slide deck. You may also find that some of the links to host events are now broken or pointing to more recent editions of the same event. I won’t often do link-fixing here but if you find a bad link and have a fix, feel free to email it to me (see below)
Feel free to reference any of this material in your own talks. I’d appreciate a mention/reference pointer back to the source here and, whenever possible, ping me to let me know about your referrer.
- 2024
RESTful Web API Patterns and Practices Delivered 2024-04-30 for API Days NYC
RESTful Web API Patterns and Practices (v2) Delivered 2024-06-11 for GOTO Amsterdam 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
APIs of the Future : Are You Ready? Delivered 2021-06-30 for Interface by API Days : It’s APIs all the way down
API and Service Migration at Speed Delivered 2021-05-19 for Software Architecture Superstream Series: Mastering Your Microservices Stack
Testing your APIs with Postman and Newman Delivered 2021-02-04 for Postman Galaxy 2021
From Steve Austin to Peter Norvig : Engineering AMEE, the Simple Autonomous Agent Delivered 2021-02-15 for Autonomous Agents on the Web
- 2020
Reconnecting with our Futures Past Delivered 2020-12-09 for API Days Paris
Sustainable Software Systems : Meeting the Challenge of the Future Delivered 2020-11-19 for IASA Global : BIL-T
Design and Build Great Web APIs Delivered 2020-10-01 for GIDS.WEB LIVE
API World 2020 Talks Delivered 2020-10-27 and 2020-10-29 for API World 2020
Speeding the Future of APIs Delivered October 3rd, 2020 for APICon 2020, Brazil
Service and API Migration at Speed Delivered 2020-07-02 for GIDS.Architecture 2020
Design and Build Great Web APIs Delivered 2020-07-28 for APIDays, NYC
Design and Build Great Web APIs Delivered 2020-06-30 for INTERFACE by APIDays
- 2019
Learning the Three Types of Microservices Delivered 2019-01-10 at CodeMash, Sandusky, OH USA
- 2018
Sustainable Software Systems, Delivered 2018-01-30 at API Days Paris, 2018, Paris, France
Understanding Microservices from the Ground Up Delivered 2018-2-26 at O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference, New York, USA
The Future of Open APIs on the Web Delivered 2018-3-08 at Open Source Leadership Summit 2018, Sonoma, California, USA
Driving Digital Transformation at Speed Delivered 2018-3-15 at API Management and Microservices BMW Event, Greenville, SC, USA
APIS : Good to Great Delivered 2018-04-18 at YOW! Nights 2018 Perth, Perth, WA, Australia
Microservices, APIs, and the Autonomous Web Delivered 2018-5-09 at QCon Sao Paulo 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Discovering Microservices: A Traveler’s Guide Delivered 2018-5-15 at MicroCPH 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
APIs : From Good To Great Delivered 2018-05-30 online for the Webinar Series
Scaling the Future Delivered 2018-6-19 for Atlassian Corportation, PLC
Learning the Three Types of Microservices Delivered 2018-6-01 at Music City Code 2018, Nashville, TN, USA
Work Models Future Delivered 2018-6-16 at Tech For Good, Albequerque, NM, USA
Bots on the Net: The Good, the Bad, and the Future Delivered 2018-9-22 at WebExpo, Prague, Czech Republic
Using Web Sequence Diagrams with your APIs Delivered 2018-9-29 at RESTFest, Greenville, SC USA
Learning the Three Types of Microservices Delivered 2018-10-30 at O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference, London
Open Services, Interoperability, and Hypermedia Delivered 2018-11-05 at OSLC Fest 2018 Stockholm, Sweden
Bots on the Net: The Good, the Bad, and the Future Delivered 2018-12-12 at APIDays Paris, Paris, France
- 2017
Twelve Patterns for Evolvable APIs Delivered 2017-03-12 at SXSW, Austin, TX
Twelve Patterns for Hypermedia Microservices Delivered 2017-04-27 at Craft Conf 2017, Budapest, Hungary
From APIs to Microservices: Design and Build Delivered 2017-07-11 at CA Virtual Summit NYC, 2017, New York, NY
Web API Design Maturity Model Delivered 2017-07-28 at Scenic City Summit 2017, Chattanooga, TN
Microservices Migration Roadmap Delivered 2017-08-14 at CA Virtual Summit Boulder 2017, Boulder, CO
Three Types of Microservices Components Delivered 2017-09-16 at RESTFest 2017, Greenville, SC, USA
Dreams, Lies, and the Autonomous Web Revisited Delivered 2017-09-24 at WebExpo 2017, Prague, CZ
Microservices – How to Safely Speed Up Your Digital Innovation, Delivered 2017-11-16 at CA World 2017, Las Vegas, NV
Twelve Patterns for Evolvable APIs Revisited, Delivered 2017-12-08 at YOW! Sydney 2017, Melbourne, AUS
- 2016
API : The I Stands for Innovation Delivered 2016-03-01 @ APIDays Melbourne, 2016, Melbourne, Australia
Zero to Hypermedia in 30 Minutes Delivered 2016-03-02 @ APIDays Melbourne, 2016, Melbourne, Australia
Building Effective Microservice Teams Delivered 2016-03-28 @ QconSP, 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Twelve Patterns for Hypermedia Service Architecture Delivered 2016-04-12 at Software Architecture 2016, NYC
Web API Design Maturity Model Delivered 2016-06-09 at WS-REST 2016, Lugano, Swizterland
Sixty Years of Humanzing the Craft with Mel Conway Delivered 2016-06-14 at API360 Summit, NYC, New York, NY
Conway’s Four Laws Delivered 2016-07-16 at RESTFest Edinburgh 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland
Establishing a Foundation for Microservices Delivered 2016-09-12 at API:World 2016, San Jose, California
Microserivices: How to safely speed up your digital innovation Delivered 2016-10-27 at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2016, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Web API Maturity Model Delivered 2016-11-03 at APIStrat Boston 2016, Boston, MA
Unleash the Chaos Delivered 2016-11-03 at APIStrat Boston 2016, Boston, MA
Coming to Terms with our Autonomic Future Delivered 2016-12-13 at APIDays Paris 2016, Paris, France
- 2015
Liberating the API Economy with Scale-Free Networks Delivered 2015-02-10 @ 13:30 for API Days Sydney
50+ Years of Digital Transformation Delivered 2015-03-18 @ 10:30 for API Connections Paris
Putting Big Data in its Place Delivered 2015-03-20 at HHCamp, Strasbourg, France
REST, Hypermedia, and the Semantic Gap Delivered 2015-04-28 at Code PaLOUsa, Louisville, KY
API Design Methodology Delivered 2015-04-29 at Code PaLOUsa, Louisville, KY
From Stacia to Hyperion and Back Again : A Hypermedia Hero’s Tale Delivered 2015-05-05 at API Days Mediterranean, Barcelona
Learning Client Hypermedia from the Ground Up Delivered 2015-06-19 at NDC Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Beyond Source Code Delivered 2015-06-02 at CA 2E/Plex Conference in Austin, TX
Adaptable Clients and Evolvable APIs Delivered 2015-08-27 at QCon Rio 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
APIs, Banks, and Disruption/Innovation Delivered 2015-10-08 at Infosys Finacle Forum, Bangalore, India
Dreams, Lies, and the Autonomous Web Delivered 2015-10-17 at QCon 2015, Shanghai, China
Building Effective Microservice Teams Delivered 2015-10-17 @ QCon Shangahi 2015, Shanghai, China
Conway’s Three Other Laws Delivered 2015-10-29 @ Velocity EU 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Implementing Adaptable Microservices Delivered 2015-11-18 @ CAWorld 2015, Las Vegas, NV
Fostering Innovation Delivered 2015-11-19 @ APIStrat Austin 2015, Austin, TX
- 2014
Self-Replication, Strandbeest, and the Game of Life Delivered at APIStrat Amsterdam on 2014-03-27
Follow Your Nose or Hold Your Nose? Delivered at WSREST2014 talk in Seoul, SK on 2014-04-07
Mapping the API Landscape Delivered at APIStrat Un-Workshop on 2014-05-20
API Design Methodology Delivered at API-Craft NYC on 2014-06-11
Making Cloud Data Usable Delivered at CloudantCON 2014 on 2014-06-17
Clients Matter, Services Don’t : Recovering the Future of the Web Delivered at QCon New York on 2014-06-13
The Art of Hypermedia Delivered at API-Craft Detroit on 2014-07-28
Cathedrals in the Cloud: Musings on APIs for the Web Delivered 2014-107-22 @ OSCON 2014, Portland, OR
Designing for Reuse: Creating APIs for the Future Delivered 2014-07-23 @ OSCON 2014, Portland, OR
It’s not Open Data Unless it’s Usable Data Delivered 2014-09-12 @ API360 Summit in Washington, DC
Revisiting Geddes' Outlook Tower Delivered at API Days Paris 2014 on 2014-11-01
Conway’s Law at a Distance Delivered 2014-12-19 @ ArchSummit 2014, Beijing, China
- 2013
2013-02 Layer7 Webinar "Be my API : How to Implement an API Strategy Everyone will Love"
2013-03 QCon London "RESTing in the ALPS"
2013-05 FluentConf "Not Rocket Science"
Autonomous Agents on the Web Delivered at SALAD Workshop May, 2013
Scaling the API Ecomony with Scale-Free Networks Delivered at API Days SF on June 21, 2013
2013-10 APIStratSF "Reusable APIs Through Hypermedia"
Telephones, Mechanical Turks, and the Future of APIs Delivered at API Days Paris on 2013-12-03
- 2012
REST : And Now for Something Completely Different Delivered 2012-03-16 @ CodePaLOUsa in Lousiville, KY
From APIs to Affordances Delivered at WS-REST 2012 on 2012-04-17
The Costs and Benefits of Building Hypermedia APIs Delivered 2012-06-12 @ QCon NYC
Programming with the OSS Cloud Stack Delivered 2012-07-18 @ OSCON 2012 in Portland, OR
REST-like Wisdom from Celebrity Internet Memes Delivered at RESTFest 2012 on 2012-09-15
2012-10 That Conference "Essential Node for Web Developers"
2012-11 Defrag 2014 "Such a Rich Set of Affordances: A Hypermedia Tale."
2012-11 Gartner AADI "SOA and APIs : Fearless Lessons from the Field"
Future Interface: What the Last 50 years of Modern Computing History Tells Us About the Future Delivered at API Days Paris on 2012-12-03
SOA and APIs : Fearless Lessons from the Field Delivered at API Days Paris on 2012-12-04

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