- Author:
- Mike Amundsen (mca@mamund.com)
- Dates:
- 2011-04-01 (Created)
- 2011-12-01 (Updated)
- Status:
- Active Draft
A proposal for supporting PUT and DELETE in HTML Forms. Discussed on public-html@w3.org and public-html-comments@w3.org.
Support for PUT/DELETE should be:
- as complete as possible (per HTTP spec[RFC2616])
- as seamless as possible (per current Browser behaviors)
- easy to use via HTML (for both servers to emit and browser to process)
- not introduce any new security problems
- not veer substantially from support for PUT/DELETE via XHR
- should integrate well with servers which already support PUT and DELETE (e.g. WebDAV, etc.)
This proposal assumes:
- Any controls that are currently valid for FORMs with the method=”post” are also valid for FORMs with the method=”put.”
- Any enc-type values that are currently valid for FORMs with the method=”post” are also valid for FORMs with the method=”put.”
- All controls and enc-type values are ignored for FORMs with the method=”delete.”
A Simple HTML Example
<form action="http://example.org/user/12"” method=”put” if-match="*"> <input name="user-name" type="text" value="" /> <input name="hat-size" type="text" value="" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>
Filling the “user-name” and “hat-size” inputs with “mike” and “small” respectively, will result in the following HTTP request:
PUT /user/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded If-Match: "*" ... user-name=mike&hat-size=small
Servers are free to return responses to PUT and DELETE as theysee fit. Servers are not responsible for trying to determing if the PUT/DELETE request comes from an HTML.FORM and are not required to make special adjustments to the response juste because the request was intiated using an HTML.FORM.
All User Agentw (including Web browsers) SHOULD be prepared to handle any valid server response returned for a PUT/DELETE request; even those generated via HTML.FORM (see Handling Responses for details).
Added Attributes for the FORM element
The following OPTIONAL attributes SHOULD be supported for the FORM element. Valid values for these new attributes MUST be the same as those outlined in the HTTP spec[RFC2616].
The etag associated w/ the entity to PUT/DELETE.
- This value is used to populate the “If-Match” header[cite]
- Sent with PUT and DELETE, only if !={empty}
- Default to {empty}
The etag associated w/ the entity to PUT.
- This value is used to populate the “If-None-Match” header[cite]
- Sent with PUT, only if !={empty}
- Default to {empty}
The if-unmodified-since header[cite] associated w/ the entity.
- Sent with PUT and DELETE, only if !={empty}
- Defaults to {empty}
Sample Usage Scenarios
Below are example usage scenarios for PUT and DELETE w/ HTML Forms.
Creating a New Resource
PUT can be used to create a new resource.
*** REQUEST GET /users/;create HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org ... *** RESPONSE 200 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <form action=”http://www.example.org/users/123” method=”put” if-none-match=”*”> <input name=”user-name” value=”” /> <input name=”hat-size” value=”” /> <input type=”submit” /> </form> ... </html> *** REQUEST PUT /users/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org If-None-Match: "*" Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: nnn user-name=mike&hat-size=small *** RESPONSE 201 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <ul> <li>user-name: mike</li> <li>hat-size: small</li> </ul> ... <html>
Updating an Existing Resource
PUT can be used to update an existing resource.
*** REQUEST GET /users/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org ... *** RESPONSE 200 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <form action=”http://www.example.org/users/123” method=”put” if-match=”q1w2e3r4t5”> <input name=”user-name” value=”” /> <input name=”hat-size” value=”” /> <input type=”submit” /> </form> ... </html> *** REQUEST PUT /users/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org If-Match: "q1w2e3r4t5" Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: nnn user-name=mike&hat-size=medium *** RESPONSE 200 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <ul> <li>user-name: mike</li> <li>hat-size: medium</li> </ul> ... <html>
Deleting an Existing Resource
DELETE can be used to remove an existing resource.
*** REQUEST GET /users/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org ... *** RESPONSE 200 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <form action=”http://www.example.org/users/123” method=”delete” if-match=”q1w2e3r4t5”> <input type=”submit” /> </form> ... </html> *** REQUEST DELETE /users/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org If-Match: "q1w2e3r4t5" *** RESPONSE 200 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <p>/user/123 has been deleted</p> ... <html>
Binary Transfers
PUT can be used to send binary data to servers.
*** REQUEST GET /users/123/avatar HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org Accept: text/html ... *** RESPONSE 200 OK HTTP/1.1 ... <html> ... <form action=”http://www.example.org/users/123” method=”put” if-match=”*”> <input type="file" name="imagefile" value="" /> <input type=”submit” /> </form> ... </html> *** REQUEST PUT /user/123/avatar HTTP/1.1 Host: example.org If-None-Match: "*" Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------3652875324033 Content-Length: nnn -----------------------------3652875324033 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="imagefile"; filename="my-avatar.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpeg ... binary data ... *** RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: nnn <html> ... <h1>Your avatar has been created</h1> ... </html>
Other Considerations
Handling Responses
Typical responses from PUT (200/201/204) and DELETE (200/202/204) SHOULD be handled the same way these responses are handled for POST[cite].
Q: How *are* they handled by UAs? (Is this in HTML5?). (Julian Reschke)
A: See Browser Matrix from Cameron Heavon-Jones)
Q: How do WebDAV servers commonly respond to PUT/DELETE? (Mike Amundsen)
A: from Julian Rescheke:
PUT -> 200 or 201 (for new resources) DELETE -> 200 or 204.
Handling Security
Security constraints for PUT/DELETE via FORMS SHOULD be handled the same as using PUT/DELETE via XHR.
Handling Caching
The same caching rules outlined in the HTTP spec[RFC2616] SHOULD be applied when handling PUT/DELETE responses.
Optional Added FORM Content-Types
Currently, HTML FORMS support three content-types for sending request entities[cite]:
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- multipart/form-data
- text/plain
It is possible that additional content-types could be supported for FORMS including JSON[cite] and XML[cite]. While this is not required in order to add support for PUT in HTML FORMS, there are a number of scenarios where this will be desireable. It is assumed that any additional content-types would be supported for FORMS where the "method" atttribute is set to POST or PUT.
Optional Support for Prefer Header
It is possible that HTML FORMS could support the Prefer Header[Prefer] as a way to communicate to the server the agent's preference for a response. This would allow agent's to indicate they wish a body returned for responses where a body MAY not always be returned by servers (201/202).
Support for Atom-Style PUT/DELETE
The current proposal relies on added attributes in the FORM element (see above). An alternative approach is to adopt the way AtomPub[AtomPub] handles PUT/DELETE; only support it in cases where the current response representation is the actual resource to PUT/DELETE.
This would mean agents would automatically use the ETag returned with a GET request on the target resource as the If-Match header for PUT and DELETE. While this can work for PUT(update) and DELETE, it's not clear how this would work for PUT(create).
This approach would also preclude cases where servers might return a single resource representation which contains a number of FORMs, with methods set to PUT/DELETE since the ETag for this list representation will never be a valid ETag for any of the included FORMs on the page.
Alternate DELETE Implementation
This proposal outlines a DELETE implementation based on a complete URI and an otional if-match attribute. However, an alternate approach is to adopt the URI encoding support for GET. IOW, allow the possibility of HTML.INPUT values to be encoded into the URI for DELETE. (per email discussion )
<form action="http://example.org/user" method="delete" if-match="*"> <input name="hat-size" type="text" value="" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> *** REQUEST DELETE /user?hat-size=small HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org If-Match: "*"
- 2011-04-05
- Added "Alternate DELETE Implementation" to the "Other Considerations" section.
- 2011-04-04
- Added "integrate w/ existing servers..." to the Goals section.
- Added "Binary Transfers" to the Scenarios section.
- Added Julian Reschke's query regarding exsting browsers handling 201/202/204 response to the Handling Responses section.
- Added "Optional Added FORM Content Types", "Optional Support for Prefer Header", and "Support for Atom-Style PUT/DELETE" to the "Other Considerations" section.